Members Blog – Lets Talk Timing

One of the most overlooked aspect of the swing in the timing aspect. In this members blog Justin talks about the timing of the swing and some findings he has come across along the way.

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Members Blog – Goal Setting

One of the things Justin has spent time with the professional players when it comes to improving is filtering out the noise. Here is what he does with his professional players and how it can be incorporated with amateur hitters.

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Members Blog – Importance of Metrics

Every time you turn on a baseball game you are more than likely going to be hearing about some sort of metrics. In this members blog, Justin talks about the metrics he finds value in the most.

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Members Blog – Justin’s Role Off-Season

In a previous Members Blog, we talked about what Justin does as the Professional Director of Hitting while the season is taking place. Here we take a look at what he does during the off-season.

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Members Blog – Arm Care

One of the questions we get on a regular basis, surround arm care and arm care routines. Whether you are a hitter or a thrower, proper arm care is crucial. This week, professional baseball hitting coach Rachel Folden goes through a brief j-band routine that she uses for her youth and professional players alike.

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Members Blog – Rebuilding your swing

More times than not, the swing you have the 1st of the year is the swing you are taking with you into the season. Now is the time to break down your swing and start to build it back up. Justin talks about the steps he would recommend for players to take who are looking…

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Members Blog – At Home Training

During the Corona-19 stay at home order, Justin has been doing some Instagram live videos from his house. Here he talks about some work you can do from home with a tee, pvc pipe and a bat.

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Members Blog – Story Time with Stone

Like most of you, Justin Stone is social distancing himself. As an avid reader, here are some recommendations of books he has for coaches and players who are looking for some things to read and get better in the process.

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Members Blog – SPECIAL POST – Common Language of Hitting

Normally our Members Blogs are of the visual variety, but this week it is a written one by Justin. Its a special one, check it out…….. Spring Training affords a lot of new opportunity.  That goes for coaches as well.  The Cubs have always had asked former organization “greats” to come to Spring Training to…

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Members Blog – Purpose of the Split Grip

One of the things you see Justin and Travis doing a lot during their presentation/talks involved using the split grip. Here, Justin talks about the purpose of the split grip and how he is currently using it.

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Members Blog – Visual Tracking

In this weeks members blog, Justin Stone answers a question from one of our members surrounding the ability to track the ball out of the hand as a hitter and its path to the catcher.

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Members Blog – What is in your coaching toolbox?

January 2020, EliteBaseball.TV’s Travis Kerber spoke at the Indiana High School Baseball Coaches Convention where he went into detail on items players and coaches can find in their toolbox along with how to add items to their toolbox on a budget.

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Members Blog – Defining the “Spiral Line”

Recently Justin posted on Social Media about the Spiral Line. In this weeks post he goes into greater detail about understanding the inner-connectivity of the body in the swing and how that plays into the mobility of the player

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Members Blog – Continuing work in the Gym

You worked all offseason in the gym getting bigger and stronger, but now that the season is about to start doesn’t mean it is time to stop. Justin talks about the needs to continue and what equipment to get if you can’t get there.

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Members Blog – 2019 Spring Training Takeaways

Justin returned from his whirlwind trip around Spring Training over the past 6 weeks. In this weeks post, he talks about some of his takeaways from his 5 stops in the Cactus and Grapefruit league and how it relates to amateur athletes.

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Members Blog – Ruth and Gehrig Force Analysis

Justin has been talking a lot about the various forces in the swing recently. Here is a fun analysis using video from baseball greats Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig to show what we are seeing in todays players isn’t a new concept.

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Members Blog – 2019 ABCA Hitting Round Table with the Pros

Justin Stone (Cubs) was joined by other members of professional baseball community; Donald Ecker (Reds), Darin Everson (Rockies) and Kenny Graham (Brewers) as they held a roundtable for any interested coaches at the recent ABCA in Dallas about hitting. While some of the audio at times is a little quiet, the information is can’t miss.

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Members Blog – More than skin deep

The ole adage of “don’t judge a book by its cover” correlates to baseball as well. Justin talks about how it takes more than just you eyes to evaluate a hitter now-a-days. Understanding if you are a stiff mover, neutral mover or loose mover is important in putting together a hitters personalized attack plan.

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Members Blog – Role of Legs in Baseball Swing

By: Justin Stone     Introduction In baseball we hear coaches tell players to “get into your legs” or “use the ground” all the time. Coaches  commonly state when describing the swing, “Hitters use the ground to create energy.”   I can’t tell you how many times players will ask, with a puzzled look: “But…

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Members Blog – Dangers in Player Comparisons

It is difficult to compare players without knowing their mobility, flexibility and stability limitations and restrictions. In this week’s post, Chicago Cubs Bio-mechanical hitting consultant and EliteBaseball.TV founder Justin Stone, talks about the dangers and pitfalls in swing comparisons and the importance of assessing a players mobility, flexibility and stability. 1028- Members Blog – Dangers…

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Members Blog – 10 step Motor Pattern Progression

Justin introduces a 10 step motor pattern progression using nothing more than PVC pipe. How is this going to help you as a hitter? Well, you are just going to have to watch to find out. Members Blog- 10 step Motor Pattern progression from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Functional Strength and Assessment is Here

Probably one of the most exciting things added to the site in some time. Our Functional Strength and Assessment program is now available. The very first thing players need to do before picking up a bat or ball to get ready for next year is to assess your mobility, flexibility and functional strength. Here is…

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Members Blog – If I could turn back the clock

Justin has another special guest this week, former big leaguer Eric Munson. The guys talk about a variety of topics including what would he do differently growing up based on what he knows now. Members Blog – If I could turn back the clock from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Mental Approach

This week we had a special guest do the post, Mental Approach coach and one of the best in the business, Steve Springer. Take a listen to what he has to say. A must hear for all players and coaches. Members Blog – Mental Approach with Steve Springer from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Individualizing Approach

Justin talks about how there are no written rules in hitting. It is unique to the individual and what it means to use 60% of the field vs the whole field. Members Blog – Individualizing Approach from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Are you getting better?

Justin answers this weeks question of “how do you know if you are getting better”. All this time, money and effort into improving your game, but is it working? Members Blog – Are you getting better? from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Constructing a Lineup

One of the toughest things to do as a coach is putting together a lineup. Justin talks about his thoughts on what to look for when putting together a lineup. Members Blog – Constructing a lineup from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Aftermath of the Announcement

After the recent announcement of Justin as the Biomechanical Hitting Consultant for a MLB team, he talks about what that means not only for himself going forward but for the EliteBaseball.TV family as well. Members Blog – Aftermath of the Announcement from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Rundowns 101

Over the past couple weeks Justin has seen some pretty sloppy rundowns. When you are given the opportunity to get an out, you need to take it. Members Blog – Rundowns 101 from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Taking your catch routine to the next level

Usually, there is not much time to get ready before summer baseball games. Justin talks about what you can do to take your pre-game catch routine to the next level to help infielders, outfielders and catchers get ready for the game in limited time with limited space.

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Members Blog – Don’t be Afraid to go to unusual instruction

Justin Stone talks about a recent interaction with a lesson client, and how he couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth, but it is what was needed to be done. Sometimes as players and coaches we can’t be afraid to go about unusual instruction approaches. Members Blog – Don’t be Afraid to go…

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Members Blog – Defense can slump too

Like hitting, defense can go into slumps too. In this weeks post, Justin talks about some things he did to help himself bust out of that defensive slump. Members Blog -Defense can slump too from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Post Game Self Evaluation

In this weeks members blog Justin talks about self evaluation process asking yourself three questions after a game or tournament to self reflect and get valuable feedback on how participation in a game reflects performance. Members Blog – Post Game Self Evaluation from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – SideToss

Side toss, if not done properly can do more harm than good. In this blog Justin talks about what you should do to maximize your side toss drill

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Members Blog – Taking a lead away from 2nd base

Continuing with the theme of leading off, we move onto 2nd base. When done correctly, most say it is easier to steal 3rd base than it is 2nd base. Members Blog- Getting a lead off of 2nd base from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Keeping your eye on the ball

Justin talks about the verbiage I am sure all young baseball and softball players have heard at least one time in their career “Keep your eye on the ball”. What exactly does that mean, and is it even possible? Members Blog – Keeping your eye on the ball, but what does that mean? from Elite…

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Members Blog – Using the whole field

In this weeks self-admitted controversial blog post, Justin talks about the pros and cons of “using the whole field” and the approach he takes to get the most of his athletes. Members Blog- Using the whole field from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Step back and Go

In this weeks Members Blog, Justin adds two more drills that will be added to the 12-week sequential hitting program. A dry-drill and a tee-drill to help athletes get a better understanding of loading against the backside and not over the backside. Members Blog – Step Back and Go from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Maximizing Bat Speed

This week Justin talks about the entire hitting sequence and the idea of starting from the ground up is all designed to take the slack out of the body. Youth hitters might try to stay in sequence and the body parts are moving in the right order, but still are not maximizing bat speed. Justin…

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Members Blog – Keeping hip load tight into the turn

Justin talks about coming back from doing a camp in Iowa where there was an important piece to the hitting sequence that he went over several times for athletes to get the feeling and understanding of, and that was about how the hip load transitions into the body rotation, especially in the lower half. In…

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Members Blog – Putting your best foot forward

Justin clarifies a philosophy previously taught regarding the stride foot and how it is now being taught and how it helps the progression of the swing. Members Blog – Putting your best foot forward from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Two tee drill

Justin introduces you to one of the newest segments of the sequential hitting program. Unlike other two tee drills, Justin goes into detail as to why he likes the one and how it helps hitters slow things down and work on their posture

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Members Blog – Getting comfortable being uncomfortable

In this weeks post Justin talks about the struggles hitters have with the inside pitch, and what are some things you can do to get comfortable being uncomfortable with the inside pitch Members Blog -Get Comfortable being uncomfortable on the inside pitch from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – What should you be doing now?

Justin goes into great detail about what, as athletes, we should be doing at this point in the year along with talking to coaches about what we should be looking for and how we can help our athletes. It isn’t just about telling them what to do, its about make sure they understand and feel…

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Members Blog – What is with all the striKKKKKKKKeouts lately?

This weeks members post stems from seeing a recent tweet from this years playoffs. Justin dives into the growing curiosity trend behind the increase in strikeouts and whether it is something for youth hitters to emulate. The answer might surprise you. Members Blog – What is with all the striKKKKKKKe outs lately? from Elite Baseball…

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Members Blog – Take aways from Chicago Cubs Instructional League

Justin recently returned from Chicago Cubs instructional league in Arizona and talks about what he took away from working with pro players and how it can equate to those who aspire to one day become big league players themselves. Members Blog – Take aways from Cubs Instructional League from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Functional Movement Drills

Justin comes to you from a different setting……..a gym. Developing functional strength is not only for the elite and advanced athlete, but for the youth athlete as well. Often times things we ask the youth athletes to do from a fundamental standpoint, they simply don’t have the functional strength to do yet. What are some…

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Members Blog – 100 Ground Ball Challenge

Justin throws out a challenge to those athletes looking to take advantage of the nice weather before most athletes are sent indoors for the winter. Members Blog – 100 Groundball Challenge from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Are you putting your best foot forward?

Justin talks about a common hitting misconception. This misconception surrounds the way the front shoe lands as a hitter. Not only does he talk about the misconception, but also the “why” as to why he teaches certain things. Members Blog – Are you putting your best foot forward? from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – What is Power? Part 1 of 2

Justin asks each new player that takes a hitting lesson “What is your intention?” or “What is it you are trying to do or get out of this lesson?” By far, there is one common response…….. POWER. However, do players really know what they are saying when they answer  they want more power or know…

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Members Blog – Baseball is a GAME and games are meant to be FUN

Justin reminds athletes and coaches about why we play this GAME. Baseball is a game, and games are meant to be FUN. There is time for focusing on mechanics and there is time to cut it loose and let athletes find what makes them unique. In this post Justin talks about things he did as…

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Members Blog -One set of mechanics does not work for all players

Justin talks about a recent interaction with a player in his college boot camp series. In detail, he speaks about asking the right questions to get to the root of his hitting deficiencies. He also explains why to not let anybody tell you there is a “one size fits all” swing pattern and why you…

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Members Blog – Training isn’t just done between the lines

Justin interviews Elite Alum and current Xavier University player Sam Flamini about what he, like so many successful players, does to increase his success beyond the lines pitch to pitch, at bat to at bat and game to game as he works towards his goal of playing at the next level.

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Members Blog – More Offseason Training with Rockies’ Mike Tauchman

In the second of this two part post, Justin continues to talk about some of his off-season work with Colorado Rockies’ Mike Tauchman and the adjustments they made including the four step mechanical overhaul used helping to lead to Mike’s MLB debut and some of their favorite drills you can incorporate at home. Members Blog…

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Members Blog – Introducing the Post-Stride Slotting Sequence drill

After a recent encounter with a player who flew in for a 3-day “boot camp” in an attempt to make their swing more efficient the focus was on taking the swing from a “pushing motion” to creating whip. During the training a new drill was introduced, the post-stride slotting sequence that he goes over here…

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Members Blog – The Great Exit Velocity and Launch Angle Debate

In this week’s member blog we go into greater detail on launch angle and exit velocity for all levels of players and talk about the reasoning behind it and why it might go against the grain for some. EliteBaseball.TV Member Blog – Launch Angle and Exit Velocity from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Stride Direction

In this week’s member blog Justin talks about the stride foot direction and what 3 common stride errors hitters have that impact bat path and how to correct them

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Making the Turn at Short

This week’s Members Blog goes over a small change I’ve made in teaching the double play turn for a Shortstop. This will help cut down precious time when you’re trying to turn two.

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Working Double Play Turns into your Catch Routine

Here’s an easy way to implement double play turns into your catch routine.  A great way to get your middle infielders extra reps of a key situation.   Working Double Play Turns into your Catch Routine from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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