Members Blog – Visual Tracking

In this weeks members blog, Justin Stone answers a question from one of our members surrounding the ability to track the ball out of the hand as a hitter and its path to the catcher.

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Members Blog – 2019 Spring Training Takeaways

Justin returned from his whirlwind trip around Spring Training over the past 6 weeks. In this weeks post, he talks about some of his takeaways from his 5 stops in the Cactus and Grapefruit league and how it relates to amateur athletes.

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Members Blog – More than skin deep

The ole adage of “don’t judge a book by its cover” correlates to baseball as well. Justin talks about how it takes more than just you eyes to evaluate a hitter now-a-days. Understanding if you are a stiff mover, neutral mover or loose mover is important in putting together a hitters personalized attack plan.

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Members Blog – Dangers in Player Comparisons

It is difficult to compare players without knowing their mobility, flexibility and stability limitations and restrictions. In this week’s post, Chicago Cubs Bio-mechanical hitting consultant and EliteBaseball.TV founder Justin Stone, talks about the dangers and pitfalls in swing comparisons and the importance of assessing a players mobility, flexibility and stability. 1028- Members Blog – Dangers…

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Members Blog – If I could turn back the clock

Justin has another special guest this week, former big leaguer Eric Munson. The guys talk about a variety of topics including what would he do differently growing up based on what he knows now. Members Blog – If I could turn back the clock from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Mental Approach

This week we had a special guest do the post, Mental Approach coach and one of the best in the business, Steve Springer. Take a listen to what he has to say. A must hear for all players and coaches. Members Blog – Mental Approach with Steve Springer from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Are you getting better?

Justin answers this weeks question of “how do you know if you are getting better”. All this time, money and effort into improving your game, but is it working? Members Blog – Are you getting better? from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Constructing a Lineup

One of the toughest things to do as a coach is putting together a lineup. Justin talks about his thoughts on what to look for when putting together a lineup. Members Blog – Constructing a lineup from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Taking your catch routine to the next level

Usually, there is not much time to get ready before summer baseball games. Justin talks about what you can do to take your pre-game catch routine to the next level to help infielders, outfielders and catchers get ready for the game in limited time with limited space.

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Members Blog – Don’t be Afraid to go to unusual instruction

Justin Stone talks about a recent interaction with a lesson client, and how he couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth, but it is what was needed to be done. Sometimes as players and coaches we can’t be afraid to go about unusual instruction approaches. Members Blog – Don’t be Afraid to go…

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Members Blog – Defense can slump too

Like hitting, defense can go into slumps too. In this weeks post, Justin talks about some things he did to help himself bust out of that defensive slump. Members Blog -Defense can slump too from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – SideToss

Side toss, if not done properly can do more harm than good. In this blog Justin talks about what you should do to maximize your side toss drill

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Members Blog – Taking a lead away from 2nd base

Continuing with the theme of leading off, we move onto 2nd base. When done correctly, most say it is easier to steal 3rd base than it is 2nd base. Members Blog- Getting a lead off of 2nd base from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Getting comfortable being uncomfortable

In this weeks post Justin talks about the struggles hitters have with the inside pitch, and what are some things you can do to get comfortable being uncomfortable with the inside pitch Members Blog -Get Comfortable being uncomfortable on the inside pitch from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – What should you be doing now?

Justin goes into great detail about what, as athletes, we should be doing at this point in the year along with talking to coaches about what we should be looking for and how we can help our athletes. It isn’t just about telling them what to do, its about make sure they understand and feel…

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Members Blog – Functional Movement Drills

Justin comes to you from a different setting……..a gym. Developing functional strength is not only for the elite and advanced athlete, but for the youth athlete as well. Often times things we ask the youth athletes to do from a fundamental standpoint, they simply don’t have the functional strength to do yet. What are some…

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Members Blog – 100 Ground Ball Challenge

Justin throws out a challenge to those athletes looking to take advantage of the nice weather before most athletes are sent indoors for the winter. Members Blog – 100 Groundball Challenge from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Are you putting your best foot forward?

Justin talks about a common hitting misconception. This misconception surrounds the way the front shoe lands as a hitter. Not only does he talk about the misconception, but also the “why” as to why he teaches certain things. Members Blog – Are you putting your best foot forward? from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Baseball is a GAME and games are meant to be FUN

Justin reminds athletes and coaches about why we play this GAME. Baseball is a game, and games are meant to be FUN. There is time for focusing on mechanics and there is time to cut it loose and let athletes find what makes them unique. In this post Justin talks about things he did as…

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Members Blog – Stride Direction

In this week’s member blog Justin talks about the stride foot direction and what 3 common stride errors hitters have that impact bat path and how to correct them

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