Members Blog – Defense can slump too

Like hitting, defense can go into slumps too. In this weeks post, Justin talks about some things he did to help himself bust out of that defensive slump. Members Blog -Defense can slump too from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – 100 Ground Ball Challenge

Justin throws out a challenge to those athletes looking to take advantage of the nice weather before most athletes are sent indoors for the winter. Members Blog – 100 Groundball Challenge from Elite Baseball on Vimeo.

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Members Blog – Baseball is a GAME and games are meant to be FUN

Justin reminds athletes and coaches about why we play this GAME. Baseball is a game, and games are meant to be FUN. There is time for focusing on mechanics and there is time to cut it loose and let athletes find what makes them unique. In this post Justin talks about things he did as…

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